Monday, 10 December 2012

Year 7 Essay Help

Hi Year 7 I have set you an Essay to work on and hand in to me before the end of term. You have an essay structure I have given to you and I also have a bunch of websites below which will help you with your research:

Excellent Romans Website

A More details website for high level students

Another high level website

Primary History Website

Games on the Romans

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Why the Roman army was so successful: Will & Cameron

What did we learn last lesson?
We were learning about why the roman army was so succeseful and why they were the best and smartest army that ever fought. Als owe learnt about their equipment and what it was useful for and why their statistics were very accurate and smart.

What was todays task?
Well the first task was to write the words that describe roman soilders. The next task was to draw 2 pictures that annitate the words that you have written on your whiteboard also sir wanted us to divide our page into 2 and on 1 picture it would have a roman soilder with a perfect soilder and the other is with what he wouldn't want them to look like. (they had 10 mins) Cameron and I chose some outstanding pictures and key words that some students have produced to come out to the front and share their ideas.(they then had another 5 mins) Their next task was to talk about the roman army's tactics. They talked about why 'The tortise ' was a good tactic. (they had 4 mins)

What have students learnt?
They have learnt what a roman soilder should look like and not look like also the key words for a roman soilder.They have also learnt how to draw a proper and in-proper roman soilder.Also they have learnt how the roman army got organise and how they planned to fight in a battle.
Some of the students told me the tortise tactic was a good tactic because it protects you from the javelins and even rain or snow or the other army's archers and equipment.

Todays homework is?
Their homework set today was to write 1 page on What amkes a really good roman soilder succesful.